Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts for Home Buyers

Here are the Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts for Home Buyers currently in escrow:

#1 – DON’T change jobs.

#2 – DON’T make new purchases with your existing credit cards.

#3 – DON’T apply for new credit.

#4 – DON’T make large deposits into your bank account.

#5 – DON’T accept gift funds unless they are given in the form of a personal check OR wired into escrow directly.

#6 – DO transfer all funds used to purchase the property into ONE bank account asap.

#7 – DO expect to provide MANY necessary documents up until the time that your new home keys are in your hand.

#8 – DO shop for homeowner’s insurance and provide a quote to your loan officer.

#9 – DO make copies of all checks before depositing them into your bank account.

#10 – DO expect to receive calls and correspondence from your real estate agent, loan officer, loan processor, escrow company, and title company.

The home buying process is stressful enough. Keep these 10 do’s and don’t rules in mind to make sure the home buying process is as smooth as possible.